Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Back to Black.

so the goal is not so much to get back to black but maybe pink. or yellow. or some other fluffy bit of color.

I don't like the direction the blog has taken. and like much else in life right now i am unsure of how to fix it.

Perhaps it would be more beneficial to do a state of the union summation. and a bit about where we are going for this year.

as of this minute I am...

1. Homeless
2. not in school
3. not good at sticking to a budget
4. not sure how to date
5. a bit of a social scardy cat
6. not hitting my full potential
7. not able to stick to a better eating plan
8. not sticking to a workout plan for triathalon this year
9. not financially prepared for an emergency
10. not much of a writer at this point

so at the end of this year, all of these things will be changed.

All of them? well, this is what i tell myself. Those are a lot of nots...

I am sitting next to an older gentleman with his young son (?)... he is quizzing him on Great Expectations. The characters... the plot to the point the son is at... He is asking hard questions... I read the book, I loved the book! I could not answer this man's questions at this point.

So the little boy is blowing bubbles into his strawberry frappacino (which has no coffee or caffeine... i believe it is false advertising and defeats the purpose) and trying not to laugh as I make faces at him... when his dad is not looking, of course.

I can not find the focus in my life... so i will look at someone else's.

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