So that looks more like coffee... or Chai! For the sake of argument it is Chai. Was supposed to do a Heart Race benefit with Mommiey and Grams instead of Yoga this morning.. thankfully Grams punked out because it looks rainy and she does not trust the roads by the Lakes... she can cancel, but there was no way I was going to :)
So I have a few minutes before I have to leave for yoga.
This morning I am assessing the collateral damage of last night of last night. (not literally... just the kind of stuff we managed to take with us) Not too much... McDonald's bag, Vitamin Water bottle... Tourettes' managed to steal the jacket out of my Jeep that I expressly forbid her to take... and deleted a coupla phone numbers out of my phone.
I know something about myself... I freeze when someone asks for my number... in my head I am playing out what I think the 1st awkward conversation might sound like... retarded, i know.
Unless you are something special, you probably aren't gonna get it.
But I will politely take your number and really save it in my phone...
and delete it the next morning.
Because i know me. I've met me. I'm not going to call. I just wouldn't know what to say.
So the one of the numbers I am deleting is from a 'wing-man'... Oh YES! Last night there was an instance that I got played to the left. It is not so much a blow to the ego as it is kind of funny. At least I think it is... see if you do.
So at bar #1 I casually see cute guy. I think he sees me too. I play with my friends, Tourettes' gets antsy, we leave.
Bar #4, see him again
We sit outside and are amusing ourselves... I think he is cute. I am going to talk to him. I should mention at this point that I wonder how old he is. He looks like he could be young. But he is at a bar where they checked ID ... we all know this means nothing.
So I use this as my intro...
K: Hi. You are cute, how old are you.
Boy: I'm 30, what kind of question is that?
K: I just wanted to make sure.
Boy: you are cute, how old are you?
K: It doesn't matter because I'm cute.
Boy: My name is Bryan (real name because i do not have to protect those i will never see again)... Attorney Byran. What's your name
K: K.
more conversation... his friend makes fun of my Abita Strawberry Lager (as that is the seasonal Abita, in case you didn't know.. but how could you NOT?!)
Boy informs me he is going to "tell on me" to Tourettes who is sitting in the corner talking to people we know... i say "go ahead, she loves me, nothing you say will change that.
Boy: We'll see about that.
so he does. and I talk to his friend. Who is nice enough... but like i said, not my 1st choice. I'm not trawling here!
Boy is taking a while, I go over and try to make amends.Tourettes is annoyed with my Boy... and giving me the "THIS is what you thought was cute?!" look.. this in officially not going well.
I say: I think you misunderstood my intro...
he demurs that he is going to get a drink... and his friend stayed with us the rest of the night. Tourettes is confused and says so "what just happened and why are we stuck with this guy? The other one came over here and said that you said he was too old for you". NO! I was making sure he was not 17!
I have officially been played to the left. ouch! Maybe I will not use that intro ever again.
and yet... it was meant to be funny. but even I am ok with not being every body's cup of tea.
Here is the sad part... while i take his friend's number the friend is trying his best sincere pitch of "I would love to hang out with you, you are smart and funny... even as friends... blah blah"...
and I take the number knowing I will never call. But he does not know that. I hope he knows.
I hope one day I will actually use the numbers.
I just wouldn't know what to say.
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