coupla questions...
1. When did working out become a date?
2. How does one not see people through beer goggles when one has been drinking?
3. How does one politely say "I'm sorry, i met when I was drinking... now that I've seen you today, I realize that I am NOT in fact attracted to you. bye".
4. How come when Mom's locks herself out of somewhere... it is literally a countdown until I do it too...
5. and last but not least.... when was the last time your mom dropped you off for a date.
The answer to #5, for me, is today.
Off we go.
Start with Thursday. Jenny Bear, Tourettes' and I had dinner to plan our vacation and the upcoming of Jen's B-day. It's in New Orleans 2nd week of June... staying Friday through Sunday. It is going to ROCK!
Chicago may come down. (scary.)
Also, Happy Drunk Ken Doll is working on tickets to the Hornets game (yes game 7 against the Spurs)... even if there are not tickets involved, we will be watching it in a bar and randomly partying in the Quarter. That outing is me Bunkles and Christmas.
Futher, Happy Drunk yipped at me over not submitting an app to Loyola yet... "K, if I ask someone to let you in and there is no application... what is the point?!" I feel like he is judging me. Need a new personal statement and that is scary also.
Back to the list.
After Thursday dinner (this was important because there was a bottle of pinot noir involved). DJ Sabrozo calls and wants to do 80's night at some club. I'm down for this, I haven't been to a club in you know how long?!
So I meet him, we go. I had been drinking since 7. It is now 11. This place is packed, and the yuppies dance. Me? I don't like crowds. I'm possibly getting progressively more claustraphobic... I just don't like it. DJ is cool. we find a table and get drinks.
He is determined to break me out of this and before I can finish a drink/go to the bathroom/ or have another drink... we have to make the rounds. Meaning walk around the dance floor or the upstairs part. Like being around people will make me a people friendly person. nope.
But I find what I think is cute. So I start with that. "Hi, you are the best looking guy in here. What is your name?" did you see how I did not ask him how old he was.
We talk about I don't know what. I amuse myself by singing Madonna. quite loudly. The funny part is I made everyone around me sing too.
My arms are getting more definition and I am wearing a sleeveless shirt. He asks if I work out and if I would like to do so with him. I say "can you make me drop 20 lbs" he says yes and I am intrigued.
We try to schedule. Friday not good for him and he is supposed to be in N.O. this weekend. DJ is ready to leave. I say "bye" and he says "wait!!!"
I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to give him my number. Yes, I do. I was drinking and I thought he was cute.
Kudos to him for following up... he asked me to lunch on Friday... which I flaked on to have lunch w/Bunkles (and plot mission impossible to steal his glitter ball). He asks if I want to work out today. I say yes (I can always use a new trainer).
On to today. Amidst running errands... I have successfully locked my keys in the house. All I have is my laptop, the power cord and my cell phone. I am wearing the workout clothes I wore to Yoga. The roommate is 3 hours away fishing in Grande Isle until tomorrow night. F*CK!
Luckily I live 2 subdivisions aways from my mom. It wasn't on purpose, but it is nice. I call, she says "you don't have to explain, c'mon!". I walked for like 30 min. I get there in time to ask her to drop me off at the gym a couple of streets away.
The boy is quiet. Not like overly so... but he talks a hell of lot less than I do. He is calmer also. I look like a spass with a short attention span. He is very focused. and less cute than I previously thought. But it's like the practice for dating, yes? It is me getting the bugs out for sitting next to someone I am more attracted to. Goodness that makes me sound shallow.
I keep the lock out, mom drop off to myself.
The workout was good. He did football and track (of course he did... that seems to be my m.o.) and got a college scholarship out of it. He's good. Today was him guaging me. Apparently... I'm pretty good myself (*translation... for a girl).
He did also mention that he is going to N.O. to see his new baby God-daugter, and put it off a day to see me. and i commence feeling like a sh*t.
When I am done, he is going to get some weights in before he is done, I use this opportune moment to call my mommy to pick me up. luckily she lives right around the corner, and I will never have to explain this to him.
On the way home he texts to invite to me play in a wiffle ball tournament tomorrow. Which sound so fun... but I demurely say I can't with no explanation.
Mom is nervous about me driving the truck with no licence... and I just couldn't imagine being dropped off.
yes i am a dork.