Friday, August 18, 2006


My birthday is Tuesday, so the party is today and tomorrow, the birthday dinner is officially on Tuesday. This afternoon my best friend calls me at work to say "do your hair, i'm picking you up in the Z". Her mom has the Nissan convertible thing. so we spend extra time looking cute and get to ride around with the top down. How much do I love my Jen.

How funny that this is still one of the very fun things that make us feel 16. Madigan used to do the same thing with the lovely Escalade. We would literally spend an hour and half getting dressed just to go to the grocery store in that thing. It seems (and is) a bit immature and juvenille, but nothing beats it. It's like your day can't get any better than that!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Party like a rock star. I don't particularly like that saying, but it beats saying something like "Hope you have an awesome time." Granted, it doesn't beat it by much, but it still beats it.