Friday, August 25, 2006

One of those things we say.

"Beautiful". You say it. You hear it. You know what it looks like to you; and it has the potential to stop you dead in your tracks for a full blush when it is directed at you. Once upon a times (and on any given day) it was easy to look in the mirror and see everything that is wrong. To hear a validation makes you want to follow the person who said it just to get a glimpse of what they see.

But it is only something we say. And if you hear it from someone who says it frequently to every female, does it make it less sweet? or me more cynical?

"You can do anything, you can go anywhere, the world is your oyster, you are going to do great things...blah blah blah"
Ok so now we have the undergrad degree and are looking for the next job. not so forthcoming at the Fortune 100 company I work for- we are in the midst of massive downsizing and people are uber-scared. I'm starting to put the resume out there and I'm getting all of no response. I will go anywhere, I will do most anything- All I'm looking for is more $. and yet my oyster-world has yet to flop open. I work hard- 40 plus and am the queen of the slaves in my dept. I take projects like it's cool, i'm all over further education and am having all of the meetings with what are supposed to be the keepers of the good life... and I am still here. and people are beginning to ask what the next plans are and I get to say that I am still in transit.

And if I am the commidity that people say, and anyone would love to hire me for the professional asset that I am... WHAT THE PROBLEM IS...

The great fall of Bama reaches it's disappointing ebb. update later this afternoon.

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