Yesterday I checked the mail... and I got real mail! Not just bills and junk! So I flip the little card round and round trying to guess what it could be. It is about the size of an invite to somebody's b-day or shower or some such thing... So I'm running throught the possibilities... then I see it is from Santa Clara, CA. Which means it's from my cousin Cali (get it... cuz she's in CA? no? nothing? I guess I had to many carbs this morning :)
It is a "Thank you" card... and I think "awwww... that's nice. Wait, what am I getting a Thank you card for?"... So I read the card. *note... please read the next sentence very slowly... it took me a second to wrap my mind around it*... Cali sent me a Thank you card to say Thank you for the Thank you card I sent her for the Birthday/Grad card she sent me. What?!
Let me stress that my Thank you was bigger and more thoughtful (hers was like $0.20... I know because as I type I have 2 packets in my drawer... I know what the break down is!). It was a willow tree card. Simple, elegant, blank in the middle for all the words I had to put in it.
As thoughtful (? ok we'll call it that.) as her card is... my initial response (and I fully acknowledge that I might be slightly competitive) Is she trying to challenge my Hallmark-edness? Don't test me woman, you will not win! I learned from the best! My mom would send a card to a purse snatcher that would guilt him into returning every purse that was ever snatched! I will call in reinforements, so help me I am not above it!
Again it is possible that I am looking at this the whole wrong way. Let me give you background. I am not so very close to my mom's big family. Everyone is so spread out... when we do all get together it is very apparent that I am my father's child... which is unfortunate because my mom's family sees my dad as the fabled Anti-Christo... the boogie man of all that is wrong with the world. I've met him all of 2x. I apologize for ending up with the wrong set of genes... but it is a bit of a one time magic trick... no putting this bunny back in the hat and seeing if you can pull out something different!
So Cali is another out-cast and was always the coolest cousin. She did all the bad stuff like sneaking out and never got caught. I am the bookish one (shocking isn't it)... My sister is the full fledged psycho... Karen is the beauty... Annie is the mini f***-up (Kris has her beat)... I got to many to go through ... you get the picuture- we are all different.
But recently Cali sends me cards for everything. Which is wierd. When I say everything... EVERYTHING. So maybe this is a new hobby? Maybe she is trying to 'build relationships'... She lived with my favorite uncle for a while... He is my favorite because I am his favorite. He believes that I am the princess of the world... and tells her so. She does not so much see it. Of course mom thinks Cali is the cutest thing in the world and threatens to hang me from the tree in the backyard for being so cynical... So in conclusion... IT IS SO ON!
I am going to find the stinking cutest most obnoxiously precious porcelin Precious Moments' thing to send her. Oh yeah, passive agressive girl is here and ready to rumble. Hallmark-style even! Why? I don't trust her intentions. Our entire relationship has been too wierd for too long.