Wednesday, June 27, 2007

All- Star reject.

Ok so Pfizer is a no. but I kind of saw that coming. The regional manager asked 11ty billion questions about my selling motivation and all I had to come back with was personality, minimal sales experience, and a lot of make-the-world-a-better-place experience.

So these past couple of days are not looking so sparkly. Malty Milt Head is still gung-ho about working on me... and I want to crawl under a rock. but that is not what we are going to do.

I am frustrated... I've never heard so many no's in such a short amount of time... or all together actually. I am looking at each as a learning experience... so what do I need to do differently.

1. Find job I really want
2. Be able to express how it fits into my grand plan
3. Do not mention Lsat or Law school
4. Find said job relatively quickly.

and as much as I do not want to go back to my job... I do still have one. that will hopefully enable me to keep looking. and at least keep paying my bills... and I do not want to stay here until law school wherever it may be. I want to leave.

So if the resume keeps getting picked up, the problem is the interviewing? I've been told I interview well. I've met me... I like me... but if I am giving people the impression that a job I am applying for is beneath me... do I lower my self to said criteria and sell myself as this is all I encompass or do I aim higher... and what is higher? exactly.

Back to the drawing board, kiddies. Also, I will tell you about being wait-listed for swim lessons as soon as it bites me in the bum. You know you just know something is gonna bite you... and you have to do it your own way anyway? this is that. and I am a dork.

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