Monday, June 11, 2007

This morning I killed a roach... this afternoon a met a roach.

The title line is actually true. Don't be grossed out... it was one of those outside roaches that burrows under my tangerine tree.

I feel the need to put this out there... before Kaplan releases it... the 3rd section was the experimental. It was the reading comp... I got to say the last section kicked my bum. True to form I finished all of the Games...and had time to double check.

Today was funny...

This morning DK tells me that he is still at Southern because they kicked out his registration for this summer. He is supposed to be leaving for London (study abroad) on Saturday. We are supposed to go to Houston Friday-ish and I take big-boy jeep back on Sunday.

So it matters TODAY...because he was supposed to drive me to Hammond. No worries. I Map-quested. I can find it myself. I was told in enough time to get good and lost. and that is what I did.

I did however find the Marines recruiting office in Hammond. The little guy tried to tell me where Southeastern's campus was... and I got further lost. I found a Storage Center and a nice old lady who let me use the restroom and gave me "better directions". I got even further lost and pulled up next to a cop at a stop light. I rolled the window down and asked for directions... He put on the sirens and let me follow him to SLU. So I had a police escort. yay.

I find campus and then try to find the building. I go round and round looking for parking... because I am used to LSU... where you towed from almost everywhere... and eventually found the wrong building. and a secretary who spun me around to the right direction and right building.

Found the building and room. It is by alphabetical order so the other R's are in my room. The room had real table tops... and few people spread out. Not nearly at cramped at LSU. To double check the roll, the oldest proctor in the world calls out our last name. The guy that sat one row over... his last name was "ROACH". I busted out laughing. and ONLY I busted out laughing. Which made me laugh harder. Like a crazy person.

The worst part is that ROACH was really cool. He brought like 12 sharpened pencils to the exam... I had only brought 1. He kept dropping them. He gave me 2 of them. It was nice.

So I got to take the drive home. I want a taco. I am starving. My air conditioning broke and the air condition-fixing people called to say they were on there way. We got here about the same time. I was never so happy to see anyone! (recently, at least). Turns out that it was just a busted voltage regulator and not a busted compressor like another air condition-fixer person had led me to believe. I gave him a Gatorade for his ride home... so now I have no bill for the fixing of my air-conditioning- fixing. yay Gatorade.

Going to get my taco.


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