Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Just got back from interview... I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an offer... I am 100% sure I don't want it. A few minutes into the interview I wanted to stand up, thank them for their time and run... like hell.

and in those few minutes... and for the next hour and a half... I get it. I've been low balling myself.

I want to get away from the big Blue Bank but not to a worse existence. Not one set of chains for another.

and I really want the consulting job. really really.

Shy is abnormally anxious about it. He called to check in this morning, I tell him again for the 11 billionth time that it is tomorrow. He is anxious because he put a bug in the ear of a higher up at this firm. Great.

So as the pessimist in me says that if I get this, it is not of my own great stuff-ness. nice.

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