Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Indecisive Squirrels Get No Sympathy.

Let me go ahead and explain that. Driving somewhere with someone a squirrel ran into the road and I hit the brakes. He stopped in the middle of the road, I stopped in the middle of the road. He faked left, I eased off the gas... he faked right, I hit the brakes. Whoever was next to me said "GO! What are you waiting for?" I say "I'm not going to hit him!"

He says... "ok, K... yes we love all of the bunnies and fluffy creatures of the world... BUT INDECISIVE SQUIRRELS GET NO SYMPATHY! If he doesn't have the good sense to get out of the road, hit him!"

I disagree. The Squirrel does not understand the concept of the road and cars. He should not be persecuted for our need to get somewhere 20 seconds sooner.

...more later.

... Here's more : Jessica Simpson should not speak.

this is a quote from an article where she is discussing her big rack and small bum. I will grant that things can get taken out of context... but really?

I dress for men," admits Jess, whose dad-manager-string puller Joe once famously observed of her double-Ds, "You can't cover those suckers up!" "I dress for men and myself. If I'm dressing for men, then I know it's good for myself!"

She can sing... but like much of the celebrity world... she just should not speak. I just don't have the patience to expound upon the 18 things wrong with that statement.

Pending: part II

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