Thursday, July 26, 2007

"I know a crack-head!"

I do.

That is in quotes because I acutally said this to D on the elevator ride this morning. and there were other people on the elevator. and that might not have been the best response to good morning. hmmmm.

So on to my crack-head. I mean like a real whole live person on illegal drugs with the scratching and the tic-ing, hasn't bathed for weeks, lives on the street by choice, been locked up a couple of times...etc. etc.

This is exciting.

I don't remember if I've blogged her at all but here goes. She is generally meandering downtown. She asks me for change and butts into conversations I am having with people I am going to lunch with or talking to with an obnoxious odor and a "Yeah Girl! UH-HUH!" wft?

If I have change I give it to her. If Dk sees me do this he grabs me by the arm and hisses "Do NOT give her any money".... more recently he makes me pay for lunch if I give homeless people money. He has no beef if I give them my to-go food... he will buy me more... but he gets mad at $.

"There are so many churches around... etc. etc."

But then I had to pay a parking ticket. and I got into an elevator at the courthouse downtown... and she got in it also. Completely dressed up! I was so mad I could have spit!

There were other people in the elevator so I just stood and seethed for the duration of the ride. (and I seeth still!)... but then I saw her on the steps of my building this morning (as I leave Blanca at the Magic Meter) and she is dirty and scruffy... and has a new professional haircut....

She is talking to a tree about being locked up... I'm not kidding about that one... She had a whole conversation. With a tree. With a bark . and leaves. and squirrels. Tree. wow.

She is scratching and tic-ing. as I greet the security guards they tell me not to ever give her a dime again... that I work too long and too hard to make what I do (we sign in an out after normal business hours so they know my comings and goings better than my boss) and she was just released from jail for possession and illegal substances and prostitution. and it is sad.

and the realization dawned on me as I hit the elevator... so when D spoke... that is was came out.. "I know a crack head". nice.

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