Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I found the MAGIC METER!

This wonderful mythical creature is on the street outside of my office building and in our reality it is "broken" but in my world it is magic. Because you magically always have 1/2 an hour on it... but if you put more money on it... it gives you more time... it just doesn't dip below 1/2 an hour... so no little rays of sunshine (parking ticket) are forthcoming. yay magic meter. and yay I get here obnoxiously early so I get it 1st.

Yesterday afternoon I got the call from interview... Last interview (which I am told is 'formality' before a real offer is put on the table) is scheduled for Friday. Why would I sit through the last interview if I don't want the actual job?

I don't know... because I am feeling like I don't have ANY other options at this point. Desperation is a scary feeling.

Talking to Malty Milt Head he says "How did it go?" I say "I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an offer, but I am sure I don't want it" and he says "Ok, so don't take it. That was easy... I'm going into a meeting. Have to call you back." But it's not that easy and I didn't have the words to say so. So I just didn't answer when he called back.

Also, talking to DK is noxious. and not good for me. and for whatever reason I don't feel good about anything when I get off the phone with him. Maybe I am just goofy... or maybe nothing about him is good for me. and I think I will wait till he gets home on Saturday to tell him so. after all International calls are supposed to be a big deal and he did ask me not to snip at him over such an expensive call.. ok, but that delays the snip... it does not cancel it out.

He is not stupid, I think he senses it is coming because it is 2 am in London and he formally asks "May I call you tomorrow?" and I say "why? why do you want to call me tomorrow?" He says "to talk to you. and not to have to ask me why I want to call you." That was the wrong answer.

21 year old bartender asked me to go to a frat party on Friday. The situation is funny but I just can't do that. I didn't so much like the Greek parties when I was in college. I went because it was cool to my friends. no more, I think I've just out grown them.

Gearing up for what promises to be an interesting afternoon.

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