Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dammit David!

So I get back from another pointless meeting to the email and v-mail from Bunny that David officially has a girlfriend. and it is not Bunny. Ouch. I told her it was coming (click here for a refresher) I can't tell you how my heart hurts for her. Because we've all been there. Some of us more recently than others. Jeez.

I understand it from his side... the girl he is now dating is very very nuturing and all about him.

And yet... I cannot help but think all of this has a little something to do with the fact that David's ex-girlfriend whom he thought he would marry- just got married. Dk and I knew, so did a bunch of David's friends and we were all kind of looking around like "who is gonna tell him?" You just never know how the Magnificent Wierdo is gonna take something like that. Bunny said his parents got an invite so that is how he found out.

...and we exhale a collected sigh of relief.

The pic is J-lo. Duh. I think she's beautiful. and the pic is applicable because as much of an amazing woman... even she couldn't make it work with guys who just aren't for her. and that is the philosophy we are going with. Because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. So f* it then.
Not tonight, but tomorrow- Bunny and I are hitting the bags. Wraps, pads, and the smaller punching bags. Why? because if she doesn't get it out this way... lord knows where it will go. Maybe I need it too.

Dk pitched again on Sunday. I said let me think about it. My friends are smacking me in the head. Apparently I was supposed to just blurt the "no" out. And I call him back yesterday... he is crying about a dr. who may be able to fix his vitiligo. by the way he has very noticable vitiligo. and I cannot imagine him any more arrogant than he already is. Which what the correction would contribute to.
Also, my investment banker stole someone else's ticket (because I sort of hinted hat I might be too busy to attend if I couldn't bring a security blanket of my own date. oops :) so Dk is my safety.

This sucks. Now I will lose my bestest guy friend :(

But I also don't think I should get into a relationship if the thought of it makes you vomit a little.
p.s. (where ARE my manners?) Theme Song: Avril Lavigne- Girlfriend. Avril Lavigne - Girlfri click it. love it.

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