or maybe American Express?...For Everything Else There's Visa/Mastercard. For all of those moments that are just priceless.
*just in case you needed further proof that I am the world's biggest dork*
Really quick because I have to hurry to wait for yet another pointless meeting... 2 stories.
1. One Day I will not care so much what other people think.
Case in point, in Barnes and Nobles, my friendly completely commercial book seller. I can't find a decent thing to buy unless you go with some title to look for then you want to buy everything else... and I want a new book. I have nothing to read.
As I have no purpose... I am meandering aimlessly. I see the Barack Obama (sp?) books that are all the rage and the look too heavy for my wandering mind. I see Mandela's offering and I am ashamed that it too looked too serious.
Know what I ended up with? "Everyone You Need to Know" by the author of "The Devil Wears Prada". Chic Lit. It took me an afternoon to read. it was bubble-gummy and exactly like the Devil. So it exemplifies the genre it defines. and also the lack of intellect that I brought with me.
The second is "An Enduring Love" by Farah Pahlavi. The former queen of Iran. Her memoir. Interesting enough, but also exactly what you would expect from a first lady. It looked interesting enough, especially coming from the perspective of one so close to what was supposed to be a Civil Revolution from a stagnant Middle Eastern country. Er?
The last being a book of goofy quizzes and what they say about you. Psycho babble. Tourettes is full of the "finding oneself" and I thought it would be funny to do on a Friday w/ pizza and beer.
I go to pay and stop short. The guy checking people out is a Philosophy major. I know because he told me when I bought something on Socrates. He is under the impression that I am smart. I look at the books in my hands and carefully weigh how this will change his opinion. Why do I care? He's ok-looking but not that cute, not that I am trying to pick up someone that works in a bookstore... and would it have bothered me if it was girl? hmmmm... dunno.
So a newer little guy catches my eye and opens a register to check me out. I FLOAT over to him. Happy to have avoided explaining my purchases. He says "You look rather happy!" and I tell him my story anyway. He laughs and says "whew... you were close! Did you want me to have him check you out?" and I say no thank you.
In other news...
2. I am not spending $ un-neccessarily because I am going to find a way to go to Costa Rica. Fine tune my spanish and learn how to surf. Plus I have bathing suit from this year and last year that haven't gone anywhere. and if I don't see a beach soon... my head will explode.
It is important to me as a person. To my developement. and I really really wanna! So I have to save the chicken-feed they pay me with. However, I bought these shoes on-line and somehow this website found it fit to email me suggestions from my personal shopper. Sounds crap, right?
Except that the suggestions are beautiful! and everything in me is screaming that I need these shoes! why? because I can walk in bond-girl heels, and I have suits! and they would look smashing. and the pic is only two of the beautiful offerings by Michael Kors! and they are $100... and should be closer to $350!
But no! I have the discipline of a bond girl! I am going to Costa Rica and that takes money. or visa. Whichever.
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