Saturday, May 26, 2007

Let them eat Cake.

...said Marie Antoinette. Very profoundly I say.

Last night ended up at the top of Tsunami (for the 3rd time this week). As I park in my new hiding spot and take the trek...guess who nearly runs me over? JB and her husband. Amid a ton of people in the streets downtown (for an outdoor concert) this is who I run in to. My life is a sitcom.

OH and to further the events from the last post... on Thursday JB shows up at my house w/my precious precious sunshine (my god-daughter) to take me to lunch... because there is no way I could stay upset with her if the child was involved...maybe. and DK says that is evidence she did something to be ashamed of. ick.

Further the sitcom... I was to have dinner w/Tourettes. JB and husband promise to join us on the roof. I get upstairs and run into Heineken. Years ago when I waited tables and bar tended.. there was a Latino waiter who swore he was God's gift to women. His parents were ambassadors from Panama or some sh*t. He was in love with himself. He was in my major. He very seriously sits down at my bar and asks "What's in a Heineken?"

So that is what I still call him.

So he is an investment banker for where I work. I see him intermittently. I saw him last night. He was throwing a B-day party for his wife. She is skinnier than Tourettes. I didn't think it was possible. It doesn't look healthy... but I digress... so he invites my friends and I to join the party. Tourettes had a few, I had some, and other people met us later. It was soo fun.

Except that it was a birthday party with no cake (is that even possible?). The birthday girl does not eat food. Her festive thing was sparklers stuck in the cork of a bottle of champagne. Not that I am complaining, the party was catered (and we were there for dinner) and there was a whole mini bar set up. nice. and little bottles of Goose compliments of Heineken. Yay Heineken.

But the party on the other side of the roof had cake. Real cake. with chocolate covered strawberries. real chocolate and real strawberries. my friends are laughing at me because you could actually see me following the cake w/my eyes. I made some new friends at the other party and I had 2 pieces of cake. and pretended not to know my friends lest they ask me to share my ill gotten cake. and if it is the cake that makes me have to buy size 8 pants... then that is just fine with me. The cake was so good.

and in other news... Bunkles called me Grace.. from Will and Grace. Shy called me that too... I'm going to have to look into this further. Not liking it. not at all.

Also. Full Lsat today gave 162. But I saw myself rushing unnecessarily through it. So back to the tweaking.
P.s. the pic is the actual cake. it's a WEDDING CAKE. no wonder it was so good.


Cyn said...

"The birthday girl does not eat food." -- love it!

Nothing wrong with a size 8 - especially if it means you get to eat your cake too.

I'm enjoying your blog immensely.


how wonderful of you to say! thank you for the compliment, I enjoy yours as well.