Monday, August 06, 2007


Sometimes you have to take a small step backwards to take a bigger step forward.

and that's not a bad thing.

This weekend was such a testament to how much the stuff that is issues, themes and the subjects of posts on this blog are on-going stories. How nothing is finite and done. No matter how much I think they are. hmmmm.

Remember Tourettes and the GoodChristian... They "dated" for 3 months. She was and is uber messed up about him 8 months later. Why? because she never talked to him. Oh they email, but not really talked. (sounds familiar? Don't judge me!) The refreshers...



and here

and it is so easy to see in other people. She is really hurt over this... how bad would it have been to say "I need to talk about this. I like you. This hurt me." how bad? Well, it's just not something all of us can do.

But if you don't do it, you stay stuck there. Yes it get less every day, but then you come face to face with that person and you get to start all over again. because you haven't really healed.

I have more but I don't like the trajectory of this post. so we'll have to come back to .
Also today is Interview day with Northwestern Mutual.

I officially said no thank you to the job that was beneath me. and explained why in diplomatic terms to HR. For such diplomacy and honesty I got a volley to a bigger manager for a better position. Today we sit down to "chat".

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