J-B calls on Tuesday evening as I leave work and this is the conversation
KL: I need wine
J-B: Why does that sound like you need 'to whine'
KL: Whatever, I'm about to pull over and sit on the curb and cry until wine magically appears in front of me.
J-B: Ok, darling- make sure you pick a well-lit area. and try not be mistaken for a call-girl before I get there.
We ended up at Tsunami for 6ish. We meant for it to be just be drink, but we had to run away from a guy that wanted to write a book about pirate islands in Florida. Goofy J-B pretended to know what he was talking about and oohed and aahed. He called her bluff and they cursed her smooth the F**k out. It was the greatest thing ever. So we slip away and get a table overlooking the bridge- it was super nice. Some guys sent us drinks, it was sweet, our waiter was super cute... and then here come 'pirate-writer' again.
"You're the kind of girls that makes every guy fall in love with you and then you leave them devastated because you were never really interested in the first place!" wow. and this guy is single?! can you believe we were about to overlook such an obvious DISH?
So J-B pulls a Bat-girl move and does the slow-motion blinding with her bling, flutters her eye lashes and says "Sweetie I'm married". I pretend that my chop-sticks are the most interesting bits of wood I've ever seen... mostly to avoid eye-contact... and not to laugh. Poor semi-drunken thing. So he goes away. J-B says "Who knew we could ever say we prefer the company of pirates to guys who just write about them"? Funny reference point but 2 years ago on Mardi Gras day when we were accosted by a band of what purported to be real live pirates. They were funny and they loved us. most entertaining.
As we are leaving, our super cute waiter slips me his # and asks me to call him if I ever want to just have a drink. I am have the biggest cheeze-monkey grin... I really want to... but I'm never gonna call him. Hence the pic... it's a hot toddy (get it? if you know me, you do... or if you know him) but for my witty reference to work let's pretend it's a Victorian toddy. I am too much of a goober... I want to call but what would I say? Butterflies and ick.
On with the why yay us... We go to wine loft to find a bartender we've had before... a door man who remembers us and never charges a cover- even when he should... and lots of new random strangers willing to be our friend....
But none of this tells you why it is fantastic to be us... I will say it works best when we are sitting next to each other. She is my best friend and it's a lot like having a whole other person who totally understands you, finishes your sentences, and loves you unconditionally. But that is still not it.... Ready for what it is? She is my physical negative. You notice us, not because we are devastatingly traffic stopping. but if you see one of us and then the other- its the opposite. We figured this out at some retarded function we went to when Camello was working on her MBA and left J-B and I to go work the room. Most of the people there were consumed with themselves so J-B and I entertained ourselves... We'd worn almost the same dress and laughed at the similarities and differences.
me-long black hair
J-B- long blond hair
me-dk brown eyes
J-B- green
me-brown skin
J-B- pink/peach dunno what you call it
me- noticeable bum
J-B- noticeable rack
Shape wise were about the same, after the baby- she's getting back in shape but it's really similar. We both danced in high school, she did in college too. We both did the '97 superbowl. and though she buys me random things she thinks i'd wear, she steals my clothes. Hence, I'm thinking she buys it to hide it from K-dawg (her husband).
I have and have had other friend-girls but it is officially great to have a Jenny-bear. She has been more a sister to me than my own.
The whole night ended up lasting till 1 in the morning. I tell her one of these days K-dawg is going to think she's having an affair since 'a drink' shouldn't take this long. She says she told him she was with me and he understood what that meant... which means she can't play with me again for at least 2 more weeks. curses.
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