... and in the spirit of that, today should be the day that I grow some balls. (did you see the segue? Don't pretend you missed how smooth that was... I am so 'butta' and you just don't EVEN know!) Today I am sick of ordering office supplies for 11ty billion people (it looks like a slight exaggeration but if you are familiar with the 3rd, you are well aware that it is not) ungrateful pople. It is not fun, it is completely thankless, it is time consuming, and makes me the receptacle for lots of whiny-ness. It makes the lead over the mail room feel the need to talk to me all day! and the best part is.... drum rolll please...........
c'mon you know what the best part is! I get absolutely nothing but sore shoulders for it. I take projects like it's cool, I'm am corporate cheerleader like you would not believe! my reviews are fantastical.... So boss lady says I should ask the big boss.... and I say..... "in a minute".
Ick. Why is this so hard? I have read Hardball for Women, Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, etc etc. I should have no problem asking for what I want and what I know I deserve... But now my tummy hurts and I just want to go home. No. no going home. We are going to grow some freaking balls if it freaking kills me. I got this. I can do. I'm going to do this... in a minute.
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