Quick, quick because I don't have time for this today.
1. I guess to properly catch you up... for those of you that don't know... I've officially met the Lemon Muffin. He took the drive. We had wine. I am too much of a woose to blog what Lemon dared me too. Suffice it to say it was not the least bit as awkward as I imagined it would be. Fast forward to New Year's Eve with Tourettte's in his city... he handled her well. Better in fact than I've seen any male handle her. She is still playing with the Christian but no longer trying to break him. :) He is sweet... but not to be taken literally. Why? because either he means what he says... which is possible but scary- especially since while he speaks Kiran, he may not fully understand Kiran. and no matter what I say, there will be somethings he is not willing to hear. Listen to the words I give you honey, trust me when I when I tell you they matter.
2. Somebody owes me $10. Bianca walked into work wearing a plaid version of the skirt that Tourette's wore on New Year's Eve. Which for NYE and a club was not inappropriate... I should stress that at some point we have all owned some version of said skirt... and yet, none of us have ever tried to pull it off as a young professional. So much so, we had to pull her into a conference room and preface with... "Honey, you are beautiful and you can wear that like no one else... but not here." and yet... something says this is still not as bad as it's going to get.
3. Yesterday's horror-scope manifested itself in something I already knew. But maybe not the extent of. Mom is giving Kris money, and she is blowing it. But like the bloody thing says, maybe I am supposed to be more compassionate. The funny thing is that I figured it out while talking to muffin. I thought I covered it well and he still sensed that I was pissed. and gently nudged me into not being a jerk. Maybe he is also good at handling me. ick.
4. Apparently there is a difference between someone cooking for you and someone feeding you because they were cooking for themselves. I am enlightened to this by Mini-Nugget, who the guys tell me has no "game" but somehow pulls girls 20 deep in Baltimore. He is a bit of a dork, and 20 even impresses me... and I feel a bit prudish as sitting at lunch the idea of girls are passed around like a side dish. and yet none of the guys that came with have managed to let go of their romantic idealism. but how do you discern in 20 seconds if the person in front of you is a moment or a lifetime?
right, so tickets to tonight's game didn't happen... maybe it is just as well as I would be worthless tomorrow.
I'm still gonna wear my jersey.
Yeah tigers.
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