Saturday, February 24, 2007 Weekend Update...

Boys and Girls, as much as this is cliched and motherly... NEVER NEVER forget the importance of being nice, or at the very least necessarily polite, you never know when it will come back to you.

I am a bad friend... you guys know that. I forget every body's birthday, no that is not true. I remember, just on the wrong days. Hence, I am always a week late with the Happy Drunk Ken Doll, this year we had a bet I would get it wrong again... and then he got drunk one day and called to remind me. many hearts to the weirdo with a girlfriend.

Tourette's I got wrong by one day... which is sooooo freakin close.

So my awful pattern of remembrance begets the "random birthday". If I miss your B-day, you can call upon me for a Random one. Whatever day you choose is your birthday for the sake of argument and I take you out. It's all about you, and we do whatever you want.

Initially she wanted a movie, maybe a margarita. We get the the theatre and she starts to cry. er? Apparently she broke the good little christian boy. They schmuped. And technically he wasn't a virgin, he was celibate for 5 years. Admirable to be sure, but I still say that is not the same thing and casts a shadow of doubt on his version of the truth. So obviously no movie for us. We opt for those magaritas instead. Mine mango, hers raspberry (yuck).

Guess who comes over to re-introduce himself... Mr. I-have-an-associates-degree-in-science-and-want-to-be-a-physical-therapist. and it's still weird. We smile and let him talk. 3 guys sit next to us at the bar and they 23 year old is hitting on my friend. I was too happy when my cell rang- it was David's Bunny, but a wonderful distraction from the dorkdom that abounded. Tourette's is hitting my leg and mouthing "HELP ME!" so I had to get off the phone.

But she keeps answering his stupid questions so of course he does not go away. Her solution? She goes outside to smoke and leaves me with the 3 winners from Hee-Haw. The one at the end says "You look jus like this girl I went to school with! Her name is ___", I say "Well that's not this girl." He says, "That's why I said you LOOK LIKE" and then "You are mean".

I say "I'll take that". The darling bartender comes over and takes both of my hands and leans in to whisper "They are trash, sometimes you have to just let those go". Sweet sweet bartender. I engage another guy at the bar in conversation. I explain it is to avoid Hee-Haw. He laughs and he is engaging. Tourette's comes back with a smirk and meets my new friend. We all make friends and retire to the porch. and here comes Mr. Science. He is the cousin of my new best friend from the bar. He proceeds to tell the table that he knew me in high school and his cousin kids that he must have asked me out. Mr. Science says, "No, she was way out of my league. But she was really cool. So sweet and all smiles. Everyone loved her. I still talk to her now because she is so nice". Oh that was a kick in the head. I felt soo bad. They were so sweet about entertaining us and it was not weird at all. The were perfect gentlemen.

Bartender comes out to tell us about last call. Later he comes back to ask us if we wanted to stay and drink with the staff. One of us say "But you already made last call" He says "but I am also the bartender, I can make you a drink and just not charge you for it". Sweet but we were done. Tourette's laughed and laughed that we left all of our new friends.

Happy Mother Freakin Birthday. (Obviously she says it differently).

I'll tell you about the hardware store later.

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