Thursday, February 15, 2007

What do you love?

This goes up because I like it! The basic premise is that this guys drives around (or more specifically through) a bunch of fast food drive-thrus and asks the attendants what they love.

I love lamp.

I also love that V-day creates such friction that people are mad at me. Rampant insensitivity.

Shy because he got blown off in public and he says I don't have time for him.
Dream Killer because I did not wait for him to call me for V-day and then profess my undying love.
Lemon I'm not sure, it's just hard to talk to him these days. He called me mean. He also hung up on me. It's not 1-sided, I was frustrated with him equally. I try to explain me to him. I don't think he gets it.

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