Saturday, March 31, 2007

When, already. F*cking When.

So today has been an interesting day. Last night I had to say no to every social outing. I was tired. It happens. Between the week at work and every social even shoved into every waking hour. I'm fricken tired, and I'm fricken done.

The Heart Run today. I met Jared. You know the Subway guy. He is gung ho about Subway. Mid-conversation he asked if I wanted an autographed pic of him. How do you say no to that?

Anyway. I finished the 3 miles in about 32 min. it's not good.

P-day and friends ran with me until I got slow. Then they pretended not to know me. It's cool, I understand. Bunny says that's what I get for trying to look like a girl and still compete with the boys. The very young desk clerk who asks me out every Tuesday ran the entire thing with me. He even waited when I had to stop for water and then because I was close to throwing up the water. It was interesting.

Tourette's wanted to walk this one too. She got to walk it with someone else. She managed it in 60 min. WTF?

We get to my house and my little cocker spaniel has found a way to rip her ear in a very small but very bleeding way. I scoop her up and bathe her in my bathtub and find a way to make the bleeding stop. In the end it was that liquid bandage stuff and surgical tape. Because otherwise, evertime she shook those ears, it opened up the wound.

Later we made a mission out of a mall trip to buy her an outfit that makes her look like a lady. Most young women who have a lot of fun in their early 20's remember the time someone tells you "Honey, you are now 20-whatever. You don't have to show your boobs to look hot. In fact that is not sexy at all". Somehow Tourettes missed this every time Jenny-bear and I tell her. But these days we are spending more time togther. And if she is to be around my other friends, I need her to not look like something from the wrong side of the tracks. Bear in mind I say this with love. She ended up looking lovely. But still opted for jeans instead of slacks (you can't win 'em all!) which was fine.

tonight was dinner with the girlies. P. F. Changs, which is as tragic as it sounds. Followed by a bar with a live band attached to a restaurant that was filled with old people. it was awful. Followed by a dance club. I'm really too freakin old for this. Dk managed to attach himself and bonded with Tourettes. They have know each other for years and yet hated each other. Wanna know what the deciding factor tonight was? she is clean. no drugs.

Edit: Sunday morning as I am talking to DK he says 1. I set him up. 2. Tourettes was so cool he almost invited her to crawfish boil... 3. that was taken off the table when they got in the jeep and she put her feet on the dashboard. (he is disgusted. i laugh because i sometimes do that. he says "i won't tell you sh*t. She is not you) and 4. The only reason I am forgiven for sneaking out is that he could tell I was done when i "started dancing like a white girl". I stopped drinking an tried to be social with water. and got sleepy. apparently when I am not intoxicated, I dance like a latina. Why not indian girl? (lardki- in hindi) I'm just askin. why not?

So I bailed because I wanted to come home. They are still ripping it up in a club. and I say Cheers.

DK is going to take her to her car. and for that I will accompany him to another crawfish boil tomorrow. I can't feel my nose. possibly the sign of a good night. but what a waste of a blouse that made me feel pretty.

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